Increase your giving through relational fundraising by maximizing the potential of your Middle Donor Representatives.
Successful reps form memorable impressions and lasting relationships. They support and educate donors about why it is so urgent and necessary to give. Most importantly, they accurately communicate the depth of appreciation you and your organization have for their generosity.
Whether the existing members of your team could benefit from a new role that allows them to focus their talents on your mid-level giving segment exclusively, or new reps will be hired, this sample job description can help you get there.
You know you have middle donors in your file. You know they have unique needs. You just have to implement these programs.
There is no need to re-invent the wheel.
Blue North has 20 years of experience supporting non-profit organizations to identify, develop, and grow the middle donor segment.
Led by Robyn Kennedy, the relational fundraising consulting and execution expertise of Blue North combine to offer high-level strategies and on-the-ground tactics to profitably tap into this often under-served segment.
123 Woolwich St.
Guelph, ON N1H 3V1
(519) 767-3228