We’re hardcore fundraising strategists, data geeks, and eccentric creative types. Each member of our growing team is hand-selected to make a powerful difference for our clients. We’ve got you covered no matter what, whether it’s data analytics and management, campaign planning, or print services. Together, we have the tools, the skills, and the smarts to raise more money for you and your cause.
Our diverse group of talent brings a variety of perspectives and experience to best serve your opportunity.
He’s the big cheese. Blue cheese of course. Cam makes sure our team delivers you the very best client experience anywhere so you can raise more money and do more great work. And you’ll get used to the smell.
Cam says...“I meet people every single day who exist to make the world better. They just don’t quite know how to do it. That’s where I help. Give me a flip chart and a marker. Together we’ll come up with a plan to do more good.”
VP, Products and Relationships
Kristian brings a strategic perspective to our client’s fundraising portfolios. He introduces clients to new approaches that take their donor relationships and results to a new level. And Kristian will amaze you with his encyclopaedic knowledge of sports trivia.
Kristian says...“My dad collected baseball cards and he used them to teach me about baseball. It was the beginning of my passion for baseball and data. And Mike Schmidt was my dad’s favourite player. Every time I see that card it’s like getting a hug from dad.”
Senior Director, Client Insights
Pete makes our clients smarter. He leads a team of sharp minds that dig into your data and discover donor insights that grow your revenue. And Pete’s no slouch himself. When he shaves, we’ve heard he uses Occam’s Razor.
Pete says...“I’m most productive when I listen to Baroque music with a great set of headphones.”