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It's a new game in baseball, and fundraising

Written By: Pete Ward

A few years ago, I saw a highly entertaining movie called Moneyball – the story of how the Oakland A’s assembled a competitive baseball team on a lean budget by using insights gleaned from data. Their one insight was to recruit undervalued players with a high on-base percentage — key to winning games.

Pete Ward Blue NorthApart from it being a great story, what I liked is how this simple insight upended long-held, once unassailable assumptions of what it took to win. And while many felt analytics had no place in baseball — with its storied history and traditions – the data helped create a better team and a better game, thrilling the A’s fans.

Beyond baseball, we’re seeing how “big data” is changing the nature of retailing, banking, telecommunications, and more. For example, a 93-year-old retailing institution in Canada — with its own storied traditions — is thriving in a highly competitive retail landscape by embracing data, coupled with technology. Its customers are defining what’s of value and driving its retail strategy.

I see the same opportunities for non-profits, believing data analytics opens up new possibilities for our clients — by revealing insights about what their donors find meaningful, and building long-term commitment that creates sustainable revenue growth.

At bottom, an organization’s compelling vision to change the world for good, along with inspiring stories and creative fundraising programs, are what motivate donors to get involved. It’s the data insight that helps us understand what is delivering the right outcome and why.

As the pace of change increases, I’m committed to assisting our clients be agile — quickly developing and measuring the value of their new ideas. And I’m committed to providing insights that are more predictive than descriptive; more actionable than idly “interesting.”

I’m truly excited to be part of the Blue North team, and look forward to rolling up my sleeves with our clients to help them achieve their world-changing goals.

Topics: Data Analytics and Insights

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