Before I get ahead of myself, I wanted to note how excited I am to be sharing this blog with you from our brand new website! Be sure to take a browse and check out our new resources and content.
Before I get ahead of myself, I wanted to note how excited I am to be sharing this blog with you from our brand new website! Be sure to take a browse and check out our new resources and content.
I’ve talked to a lot of organizations lately that seem to be frightened by the current environment and chasing a spiral down the drain.
“Wow, I’ve been to a bunch of talks and workshops on middle donors but this is the first one that the presenter actually knew what he was talking about.”
That’s feedback we got after our Toronto Middle Donor workshop on May 11. And I’m not even sure how to respond.
Back in 1989, Stephen R. Covey published his best-seller The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, and for some time after that everything in business was about time management.
If you’re like most organizations, you work really hard at communicating your cause to the outside world. Your work is impactful and you see the difference it’s making every day. You know there are pockets within your donor file that are doing really well, but could they be doing even better? Are you aware of other fundraising opportunities or are they simply being missed?
I’m fresh out of the AFP (Association of Fundraising Professionals) Congress in Toronto and my biggest takeaway is ketchup.
Non-profit organizations tend to put donors into three “buckets” — Mass, Middle, and Major. Are you paying equal attention to all three?